Monday, September 15, 2014

Le Glacier Terre Adélice, Lyon, France

My first visit to Le Glacier Terre Adélice, I did not know how supposedly amazing it was, until I came back and looked it up.  #4 on Tripadvisor!  They have some 90+ flavous, half of which are organic (does nothing for me).  They are so busy that they did not let me sample any.  :-(  I got the lemon basil and lychee flavour at first.  The lemon overpowered and I could not taste the basil but the lemon taste itself was nice.  The lychee just did not taste like it was of very high quality.

The second time round I got speculoos and ginger.  Speculoos was just so so.  That ginger, though, wow.  I read some Tripadvisor review that recommended it, and I had honestly thought of getting it the previous day but got waylaid by a lack of tasting.  The flavour was very intense, and very delicious.  I 1000% recommend the ginger if you like ginger, but you have to like it since it's very strong.

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