Monday, June 30, 2014

Volcano Curry, SF

When Tutu and I go out to eat, we usually look at Yelp and that determines what we eat.  The 3 recommendations in bold that Yelp gave us were chicken katsu curry, chicken karaage and potato croquette.  We ordered almost all that, except instead of chicken katsu we got pork katsu since we already got chicken karaage.  For the curry spiciness level, one can choose mild, medium, hot or volcano (something like that anyway) and we chose volcano.  The curry itself was pretty good, and came with some carrots and potatoes.  It was spicier than we expected, but I think we both didn't mind/liked it.  The katsu was well breaded and was yummy too.  Sadly, the chicken karaage was one of the worst I have ever had, the breading was not crispy and the chicken itself didn't taste that great.  The potato croquette was mediocre and meh.  So I say, if you are in the area, come for the curry, but everything else was really whatever.

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