Monday, June 16, 2014

SakaMai NYC

I really don't like writing my posts weeks after.  For this reason, you will be (hopefully) seeing in the coming days a bunch of posts from my NYC trip.  Sadly I will not attempt to blog anything before that.  I wish I could, but it's just hard.  I will strive to be more timely with my posts.  Makes me sad to think of so many wasted memories.

I always have troubles with trying new foods or restaurants when I make repeat visits to places.  I'm trying.  SakaMai is probably the best new restaurant that I got to try.  Again, recommended by my NYC friends, it was a hit!

From left to right, top to bottom, let me start.
Foie gras chawanmushi - starved of foie gras here in California, I try to get it wherever I can.  The combination was killer, silky smooth tofu with the rich fat liver.  At times like this, I'm glad that Lingon tries to eat healthy, since I got to eat most of this dish!
Sake - this was mostly Lingon, I have no idea what it was but it was cold unfiltered sake.  It was quite tasty, and I actually had maybe a quarter of a shot (which is a lot for me!).
Seared scallop, wild rice risotto, anchovy miso, fried dill - 'tis what the menu said, so 'tis what I said.  The scallop was very fresh and sweet.  The risotto was rich, creamy and tasty.  But I tasted no anchovy!  Wasn't a big deal, I do love anchovy, but this dish was really good anyhow.
Homemade tofu - good but nothing special.  Lots of people seemed to love it on Yelp, but for the most part tofu is just tofu, to me.
Egg on egg on egg - sea urchin, sturgeon caviar, bed of scrambled eggs.  Definitely the most innovative dish imo.  The server told me it was the most popular dish, and people would just come here because they wanted to take pictures of it.  Well, great idea, and super delicious.  Pardon my lack of adjectives, but the whole dish was so rich and creamy, I could have gotten a heart attach.  Thankfully I did not.
Kanpachi - good quality fish, well put together, but I feel like any decent sushi place could have done this.
Secret iberico pork, farro salad, kogashi shoyu - super yummy pork, and give my recent fondness for farro, really appealed to my senses.
Tai Cha (Japanese sea bream) with grilled rice ball, hojicha soup - I actually found the fish rather miserable.  It was the one disappointment of the meal.  Lingon on the other hand liked it, but I dare say his standards for good food is different from mine.  Well, given that both of us don't have exactly the same tastes, it happens.  I found the fish a little too fishy for a bream, kind of like old fish.  The rice ball was interesting, different, and having the tea soup poured into it was a pretty elegant touch, but just seemed like the Korean stone pot rice bowl where they pour the tea and it becomes porridge like.  I wouldn't say I liked the rice ball and soup, but appreciated something more than fish on a bed of rice.
Green tea creme brulee - the cookie/cracker thing that came with it was nice, like a soft short bread, very buttery.  The creme brulee was good, nothing special or innovative about it, just good ol' green tea creme brulee.


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