Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Home Cooking

The other day I decided to cook okonomiyaki and hanpen cheese.  Okonomiyaki is a real Japanese dish, a savoury pancake usually with seafood, or bacon-like things, smeared with Japanese mayo, okonomiyaki sauce (whatever that is) and fish flakes on top.  I bought the flour from the Japanese supermarket Nijiya, and all I had to do was to add cabbage, egg and water and mix it together and fry it!  Not bad, quite delicious!  I'm not sure if hanpen cheese is a real Japanese dish, but they have it at my favourite joint in LA, Furaibo.  Hanpen is a mix of fish and tofu, like a tofu fishcake.  You slice the hanpen, take a slice of cheese and insert it in the cavity, wrap with seaweed, batter with panko, and VOILA!  Hanpen cheese!  Furaibo's was much better, though Lingon said he liked mine better, but I think that is because it was not as deep fried.  Haha!

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