Saturday, October 18, 2014

Plin, SF

I had a friend tell me recently that he liked my travel posts but my food posts were boring.  Well cheers to you too!

Here is a fairly recent restaurescape at Plin, which has been opened for a couple of months now.  The chef, Alexander Alioto, was formerly at Seven Hills which we loved, and when I read he moved, I just had to try is new place!  We decided the pastas were probably the stars of the menu, so we ordered only a couple of appetizers, almost all the pastas, and one entree.  After the first pasta came, it looked so tiny since we only ordered the half, so we asked for everything else to be changed to the full portion.  We were 5 people.  Bad mistake.  We did not finish our food and I think we were mostly uncomfortably full after the meal.  :-(

Now for pictures and review...

Top left: Cold Spaghetti and Raw Wild Halibut - fresh heirloom tomato puree, basil.  Not bad but nothing spectacular.
Bottom left: Fried Chilean Seabass - black bean sauce, green onions, lemon vinaigrette.  The fish was very nicely fried but I cared not for the black bean sauce.
Top and middle right:  butter perfectly salted, bread.  Did I say perfectly salted?
Bottom right: New Zealand Smoked Salmon and Potato Cake - zested salt cured egg yolk, onion gelatin, caper leaves, lime juice.  Nothing special, I hate ordering smoked salmon at restaurants but they wanted it.  Shrug.

Spaghetti with Grandpa George's sausage - green bell pepper, caramelized onion, tomato sauce.  Great, hearty spaghetti.
Raviolo al Uovo  - Parmesan cheese, spinach, ricotta cheese, brown butter, truffle oil
parmesan chip.  This is what he is famous for.  It was delicious and decadent.
Risotto with Fontina Cheese - chicken skins, Thompson grapes, veal demi, citrus zest.  Rich and creamy and delicious.
Fettuccine Carbonara - Fra ‘Mani pancetta, egg yolks, black pepper, Parmesan cheese.  This seemed to be the table's least favourite thing - lack of richness according to the Dawg.  We rarely order cream based pastas since Lingon likes to pretend to be healthy, so I really enjoyed it and the pancetta had a nice ZING! to it.
Confit Chicken Cannelloni - tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, chicken demi, lemon zest .  This was well made but I did not find it particularly innovative or special.
Grilled Hawaiian Walu - eggplant puree, blended heirloom tomato, Jimmy Nardello Italian peppers, fried capers.  Like I said, the pastas are what you come here for.  Pass.
Seafood Risotto with Uni and Mussels - chives, croutons, parsley.  Now, I like uni with everything.  This was sublime.
Gnocchi with Stracciaella Cheese - chili flakes, fennel pollen.  Like the cannelloni, well made but nothing too special.

I really enjoyed the meal.  Some of the more special items were a delight, and if someone is just looking for good ol' traditional pasta, this place is great for that too!  I would definitely go back, though probably not too soon, since my stomach is still digesting that food days later...  Consider this my carbo load for tomorrow's half marathon.  :-)

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